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 What is a Tense???

è Tense denotes time & Action/ Activity

Action or Activity

è Some movement

o   Physical

o   mental


Characteristics of time

è Time is an abstract –concept.

è The concept of time is based on geographical fact.

è Time is infinite.

è Time is dynamic.

è Time is unidirectional.

è Time never returns.

Three division of time

PAST                                     PRESENT                              FUTURE


a.    Simple present tense (11 occasions)

b.    Present continuous  tense (2 occasions)

c.    Present perfect tense (3 occasions)

d.    Present perfect continuous  tense (1 occasion)

 (Total 17 occasions) present tense

I) Simple present tense.


Sub + verb + obj

è Simple present tense is used in the following 11 occasion.



Simple present tense denotes daily activities (routine activities)


1)    I wake up early everyday in the morning.

2)    I always reach class on time.

3)    Every morning my father goes for a walk.

4)    Every afternoon my mother takes nap.

5)    Every evening I meet my friend.

6)    Every night we watch TV.

7)    Some people sleeps at night.

8)    My friends playes football after lunch.

9)    Daily ashok practices cricket.


10) Do you go to the temple every day?

11) Does your father teach you English daily?


12) Why do you do work so much?

13) Where does your father go every morning?


14) No, I don’t smoke.

15) Smita never helps anybody.

16) They don’t listen to me.

Questions Tag

17) I always come to the class in time. Don’t I?

18) Piyush never does his work properly. Does he?

19) We never make noise in the class. Do we?


Simple present tense is used also to take about intermittent activities in present.


1)    Sometimes I read English newspaper.

2)    Sometime I eat pizza.

3)    Manish rarely plays football.

4)    Ash scarcely sings in public.

5)    My father seldom goes to the market.

6)    We hardly quarrel with one another.

7)    My friend frequently calls me.

8)    Occasional we meet at the bus stop.

9)    Once in a while we play cricket.


Simple present tense is used also to denote universal truth, idioms & proverbs.


A) Universal truth

1)    Earth rotates round its axis.

2)    Sun rises in the east.

3)    Moon moves round the earth.

4)    Sun sets in the west.

5)    Blood is red.

6)    For every living creature death is certain.

7)    Honesty is the best policy

8)    Old is gold.

9)    Earth is round.



1) You got into trouble for nothing.

2) Everybody wants to grind his own axe in this world.

3) Practice makes a man perfect

4) Let bygones be bygones, take care in future.

5) They exchanged hot words.

6) Nowadays your bread is buttered.

7) We are poles apart.

8) Take the time by the forelock and success is yours.

9) The station is within a stone’s throw from my village.

10) One beats the bush, another takes the birds.

11) You have given a long rope to this boy/girl.

12) Though they are brothers, they are poles apart in nature.

13) The boy/ girl is in the good books of the principle.

14) he/she is in an apple of my eyes.

15) Whom God loves die young.



1)    It’s a paradise on earth.

2)    While in Rome do as romans do.

3)    As you sow, so shall you reap.

4)    A thing is valued where it belongs to.

5)    An empty vessel makes much noise.

6)    Health is wealth.

7)    Time once lost cannot be regained.

8)    Society moulds man.

9)    Barking dogs seldom bite.

10) A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

11)  To the good the world appears good.

12)  Fools praise fools.

13) Where there is a will, there is a way.

14) A dog is a lion in his lane.

15) Avarice is the root of all evils.




Simple present tense is used also to make request and give order.



1)    Please do me a favor.

2)    Please give me a glass of water.

3)    Please help me.

4)    Please keep silence.

5)    Please don’t smokes here.


6)    Do what I say.

7)    Clean table at once.

8)    Sweep the floor immediately

9)    Get out from hear.

10) Go there immediately.



Simple present tense is used also to make statement, declaration and express opinion.


1)    English is an interesting language to learn.

2)    Mathematics is a difficult subject.

3)    History is boring.

4)    Computer is a easy subject to learn

5)    Apple juice is a good drink.

6)    Morning walk is essential for all.


Simple present tense is used also to give instructions, advice, warning & suggestions.

1)    Keep left

2)    Attempt any three questions from the following.

3)    Shake the bottle well before use.

4)    Obey your parents & teachers.

5)    Don’t smoke so much.       

6)    Take morning walk daily for your health.

7)    Do not sleep immediately after your dinner.

8)    Don’t fight in the school again.

9)    Don’t spit hear again.

10) Wear decent cloths for the interview.

11) Don’t unnecessarily arguments with him.

12) Solve the eases questions first.


Simple present tense is used also to provide information of a person living in present.


Ashok Bhai is our neighbor.

He is a bachelor.

He is tall, slim & fair.

He has curly hair and thin moustache.

He is an executive of a repotted company.

Generally he wears plain dresses.

He has a car.

He goes to the office at 9 am and returns at 7 pm.

He carries a brief case with him, in the day time he uses sunglasses.

He keeps good relation with all.


My father is very kind-hearted person and my real hero and best friend.

My father name is _____________.

He always shares with me his all the bad and happy moments.

He tells me that he discuss his all life events to me to give me experience and take right steps in the absence of him.

He wants to make me a good person in the life.

He is the person who always helps the needy people in the society or anywhere on the way.

He teaches me about how to get fit, healthy, happy and a peaceful person all through the life.

He is the good adviser in my family, every family member takes advice from him whenever they get problem. He is the head of the family and always takes first seat while eating food at dining table.


My mother is the most important person in my life.

Her name is ______. She is very beautiful and kind hearten lady. 

She takes care of all of us.

She gets up early in the morning and complete her house hold work.

She cooks delicious food for us. She look after the home. 

She helps me to do my home-work.

She teaches me to always be in discipline and behave in well manners.

She is my first teacher. 

She is the one who spends her sleepless nights during my sickness and other bad days. 

She happily involves in my happy moments and understands my likes and dislikes. 

I can express my any feeling and share whatever I have in my mind with her.

A mother is only one in everyone’s life whom another can never replace her in our heart.        


è Simple present tense is used also to describe a thing existing in present.

è Example :

o   have a book on sport and games. It is presented to me by my friend on my birthday. It contains about 500 pages. It has hard bound cover. On the cover page there is a colored photograph of Sachin tendulkar and on the back page Shania mirza shines. Inside the book there are various chapter different international games and sports. The book also gives much information about Olympic Games. There are good photograph of live matches and international players. The book is interesting to read.



          Simple present tense is used also to describe a place.

è Example :

                   Sayaji garden is biggest and most beautiful garden in Baroda. It is a situated on the Vishwamitri River. There is a huge statue of sayaji maharaja on the horse. Inside the garden, on the right hand side there is a planetarium. There is a huge govt. museum behind a statue on shivaji maharaja mounted on the horse. Towards the river side there is a zoo. There is a jogger’s track for morning walkers. There is a joy train for the public. Towards fathgunj side. There is a bound stand surrounded by beautiful marbal statues…..            


          Simple present tense is used also to give titles (headings) to the news in the newspaper, and on TV & Radio.


1)    Indian p.m. calls on u.s. president.

2)    Bank employees call off strike.

3)    USA visits india.

4)    5 die in a road mishap/ accident.

5)    Ishant Sharma bags 4 wickets.

6)    Kohli slams century.

7)    Kashmir talks fail.

8)    Terrorists attack Mumbai.

9)    Torrential rains disturb rail traffic.


Simple present tense is used also to give running commentary.

è Sachin Tendulkar faces shoeb. Shoeb comes in bowls sachin Tendulkar. It is a half pitch delivery; sachin comes forward and sweeps to deep cover boundary line. Inzaman just near the boundary line, fields the ball, and quickly throws it to the wicket keeper. Meanwhile Tendulkar takes two runs; Tendulkar’s individual score is so 89; and India moves on to 120 no loss…….


II) Present continuous tense (2 occasions)

-> Present continuous tense is used in the following two occasions.

Formula :-

Sub + to be form (am , is ,are) +verb + ing + obj


è Present continuous tense is used to show continuity of action at the time of speaking, listening and watching in present. It is a nonstop action. Which does not show the starting time of action neither does it show the end of action.

è It simply show that the action you are talking about is still continued (going on)


1)    Now the teacher is teaching us grammar.

2)    Right now we all are listening to him care full.

3)    Right at this moment my father is getting ready to go to the office.

4)    At this moment my mother is cooking in the kitchen.

5)    Kajal is still writing a letter & application.

6)    The boys are playing cricket on the ground.

Questions- A J

7)    Is your father praying to god?

8)    Are you going to movie?

9)    Am I disturbing you?

Questions –b J

10) Why are they talking too loudly?

11) What are you searching for?

12) Who is knocking the door?

13) With whom is your brother talking on the phone?


14)  I am not doing anything now.

15) She is not studying mathematics.

16) We are not discussing on politics.

Question tag

17) She is singing a classical song. Isn’t she?

18) I am not disturbing you. Am I?

19) He is unnecessarily scolding his son. Isn’t he?

Occasion-2 J

è Present continuous tense is used also to talks about a temporary activity or project undertaken in present the good of which is to complete it soon.

è It tells us what is going on now a day.


1)    At present I am attending (FAITH COMPUTER EDUCATION) class in the morning batch timing 8 to 10 am.

2)    For the time being my sister is working as a primary teacher.

3)    Now days we are practicing drama at night.

4)    Ashok is collecting funds to build a school in his village.

5)    At present I am learning car driving.

6)    Now days my father is writing a book on economics.

7)    For the time being my brother is helping my father in his business.

8)    She is preparing to go to USA.

9)    For the time being I am teaching English to my younger brother.


ð  Formula for present continuous tense based on observing behaviors of verbs in the sentences.

ð  Sub + to be form (am , is ,are) +verb + ing + obj

·         subjects

o   AM      -> I

o   IS -> he, she, it (name of person, thing, animal etc.)

o   Are -> you, we, they (name of person, things, animal etc.)


ð  The following time adverbs (=friends) can be used with present continuous terms where necessary.

i.e. :-  (that is)  / e.g (for examples)

ð  now

ð  right now

ð  at this moment

ð  right at this moment

ð  at present

ð  for the time being

ð  now a day

ð  still




1st person


We go/are/were/shall

2nd person

You go/are/were/will

You go/are/were/will

3rd person

He, she, It Goes/is/was/will

They go/are/were/will



III) Present perfect tense:-


Sub + have/ has + pp verb + obj

è Present perfect tense denotes completion of action in present. This tense is used in the following three occasions.

Occasion-1 J

è Present perfect tense we have to use this tense as long as we are able to see the result of the action in present. Due to such a small time gap we can easily see the result of the action in present.

è Due to dynamic nature of time the result of the action reduces. Once if completely disappears. We must stop using present perfect tense.


1)    The man has drunk liquor.

2)    The child has spoiled my clothes.

3)    Cat has spilt milk.

4)    have completed my F.y bcom lecture.

5)    have Played Cricket.

6)    My mom has cooked  lunch.

7)    have read my English book


8)    Has anybody smoked here?

9)    Have you eaten onion?

Questions tag:

10) Today Leena has applied very dark make-up. Hasn’t she?

Occasion-2 J

è Due to dynamic nature of time the effect slowly and gradually reduces. Once the person becomes normal, we must stop using present perfect tense.

è Due to such a small time gap one feels the effect of the action on one’s mind. We have to use present perfect tense as long as the effect remains on one’s mind.


1)    Prashant and leena have recently got married.

2)    Meeta has recently lost her husband in a car accident so, she looks sad.

3)    Amit has passed with 90% marks.

4)    Ashok has got admission in a medical college so, he is so happy.

5)    The father has angry with their children.

6)    The boss has just scolded his staff members. So everyone looks serious.

Occasion-3 J

è Present perfect tense is used also for the intermittent action in the past which are discontinued in present.


1)    About three to four times I have seen this movie.

2)    About three to four times we have visited Dubai.

3)    So many times we have played this game.


4)    Have you ever done this type of work?

5)    Three time he has challenged me now a day he doesn’t.



è Just, already, recently, often, many times, so many times, several times, not yet, for, since ever, never.

IV) Present perfect continuous tense:-


Sub + have/ has + been + verb + ing + obj

(note :- use “has been” for third person singular subject)

-> starting time of action in the past

-> Continuity of the same action in present

è Present perfect continuous tense is used in the following one occasion only.

Occasion-1 J

Present perfect continuous tense indicated two things simultaneously. It indicates,

a)    Starting time of action in the past and,

b)    It also tells us that the same action is still going on / continued in present.


1)    have been attending FAITH COMPUTER EDUCATION class (computer course & eng. improvement) since 1st nov 2020.

2)    The passengers have been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

3)    The boy has been reading in the library for three hours.

4)    Mr. Ashish has been conducting English improvement course for the last 5 years.

5)    My younger sister has been learning car driving for the last 15 days.

Question –A)

6)    How long have you been doing C.A?

7)    How long has your father been doing business?

8)    How long have the children’s been playing hide and seek game?

Question- B)

9)    Have you still been reading here?

10) Has your sister still been doing computer course?


11) They boys have not been playing any game since there exam date has been declared.

12) Since morning the workers have not been co-operating their supervisor.

for & since

Note (1) use for to show rough time duration till now.


For forty seconds

For thirty minutes

For twenty hours

For ten years

For fifteen days

For six weeks

For four months

For a long time


Note (2) use since to show exact point of time of starting of action.


Since 5 o’clock

Since last (Sunday……………….. Saturday)

Since last (January ……………………. December)

Since 1990, 1980, 2001…)

Since last (diwali, navaratri, New Year, Christmas, Eid a milad)

Since (birth, accident, death, birthday, marriage, engagement)



a.    Simple past tense (10 occasions)

b.    Past continuous tense (3 occasions)

c.    Past perfect tense (3 occasions)

d.    Past perfect continuous tense (1 occasion)

 (Total 17 occasions) past tense

I) Simple past tense.


Sub + past form of verb + obj

è Simple past tense is used in the following 10 occasion.

A1) Present tense    A2) past tense    A3) future tense


According to the above figure the action A2 (past tense) takes placed in the past. We can see a long time gap between the action A2 and present time (A1) (Present tense). Due to this short time gap we cannot see the result of the action A2 (past time) in present time. Hear though we are not able to see the result of the action, we don’t forget the action; in such a case are we have to use simple past tense.


1)    Two days ago a cat spoiled milk.

2)    Last Sunday ramu drank wine and disturbed us.

3)    Yesterday rina applied in dark make up.

4)    This morning somebody met with an accident.

5)    A day before yesterday amit smoked a cigarette.

6)    Yesterday I played cricket match on the pologround.

7)    Last Sunday we are ate pizza

8)    Yesterday I watched spider man movie.


According to the above figure due to a long time due to a long time gap between completion of action (A2) and present time (PT) one does not feel the effect of the action A2 as one’s mind; but in this case too action is not forgotten, so easily in present time.



1)    Ten years ago I got married.

2)    Last year I passed with distinction on my s.y.bcom examinations.

3)    Two years ago my father was angry with me.

4)    About 10 years ago smita’s husband died in an accident.

5)    One year ago meera insulted amit, so he was nerves.

6)    Last year I bought a new car.

7)    Last year I sold my laptop.

8)    Five years ago I built my new house.



When any action which is similar to the previous action takes place in present continuous tense; irrespective of time gap, the previous action immediately takes simple past tense and the new takes appropriate from of present tense.


1)    Last month amita bought a saree, this month she has bought panjabi dress.

2)    Two days ago I revised physics, now I am revising chemistry.

3)    Yesterday meena broke a cup; today seema has broken a glass

4)    About half an hour ago I had a cup of tea; now I am having coffee.

5)    Yesterday I went the office by auto; today I am going bus;



Simple past tense is used also to describe a thing in the past.

è Before I bought Led (Light Emitting Diode / LCD: Liquid Crystal diode) TV, I had normal TV. It was of 42”. Its result was fantastic. The pictures on TV were clear. The picture had natural colors. It had about 100 lives channels. There was separate connection for DVD. The TV had flat glass. The shape of the TV was also attractive.


Simple past tense is used also to take about a person who was in our contact in the past; but due to long time gap we don’t his where about.


had a friend at my native place. His name was deepak. We studied in the same school. He was my neighbor too. Deepak was very clever. He always got first rank. I was equally, good at debate, sports and games. He was our monitor in school. He had helping nature. He helped many boys in their study. His desire was to become a doctor; but his financial condition was very poor. I don’t know where he is today and when he is doing now a day.


Simple past tense is used also to take about a person who is not surviving (dead).


The principal of our school was a man of principles. He was tall and physically strong. He had good personality. He took only higher classes. He taught us physics & mathematics. He had command over both the subjects. His teaching method was simple. He made career of many boys & girls in our school. He was a patriot. Last year he died of heart attack.



Simple past tense is used also to take about historical events.


1)    During Second World War america dropped attom bombs on japan.

2)    Sahjahan built tajmahal.

3)    On 15th Aug. 1947 India got freedom.

4)    Pandit jawaharlal nehru was the first P.M. of india.

5)    Bill gets was the founded M s office

6)    Shyam Sundar Goenka was the founded Tally.ERP9 /TallyPrime (Bharat Goenka)


Simple past tense is used also to describe a memorable occasion in the past.


Last Sunday I attended a birthday party of my friend sumit.

We all friends gathered at his place at about 6 o’clock in the evening first of all he introduced us to his relatives.

There, we played indoor games, sang song, dancedplayed musical instruments and so on.

After some time we gathered in a special hall.

The hall was fully decorated with colored light series and flowers.

In the center of the hall there was a table with white cloth on it.

Sumit’s mother brought a big cake with lacing on top.

Sumit’s younger sister brought candles and arranged them around the cake.

She lit all the candles. We assembled around the table. Sumit blew the candles and cut the cake.

We all clapped and wished him “many many happy returns of the day”.

He distributed us pieces of cake. He then offered us delicious dinner which was followed by des


Simple past tense is used also to describe stories.


1)    The Cap-Seller and the Monkeys.

Once, there was a cap-seller in a town. On one fine day, he was selling caps.

“Caps, caps, caps….Five rupees one cap, ten rupees three caps….”

After he sold of a few caps, he became very tired.

He decided to sit under a big tree to take rest for a while. Soon, he slept off.

There were many monkeys on the big tree.

They saw the cap-seller was sleeping under the tree.

The monkeys were sitting on the top of the tree.

The monkeys came down, took the caps from the cap-seller-bag and wore them. Then they climbed the tree again.

When the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty.

He searched for his caps.

To his surprise, he saw the monkeys were wearing them.

He found that monkeys were imitating him.

So, he started throwing his cap down and the monkeys also did so.

The cap-seller collected all the caps, put them back in his basket and went away happily.

Moral: Wisdom is better than weapons of war.



Simple past tense is used also to take about discoveries & inventions


1)    Galdio invented telescope.

2)    Newton discovered law of gravitation.

3)    Right brothers invented aero plane.

4)    Thomes Edison invented electronic bulb.

5)    Shyam Sundar Goenka founded Tally.ERP9 / TallyPrime (bharat Goenka)

6)    Bill Gets founded M.s office.



II) Past continuous tense.


Sub + to be (was/were) + verb+ ing + obj

è With past continuous tense we talks about action which was going on / continued in the past. This tense is used in the following three (3) occasion.


Past continuous tense denotes continuity of action at a certain point of time in the past.


1)    Yesterday at this time I was attending the class.

2)    Last night at 9.15 we were watching t.v serial.

3)    This morning at 6 o’clock I was having tea.

4)    Today at 1 o’clock in the afternoon we were taking lunch.


5)    Yesterday what were you doing at 5 o’clock in the evening?

6)    Why were you laughing so loudly at this time yesterday?

7)    With whom was your neighbor quarreling at 8 o’clock in the morning?


8)    Yesterday at 4 o’clock in the afternoon we were doing practical. Weren’t we?


9)    No, last night at 10 o’clock I was not doing home work.


Past continuous tense is used also to show continuity of action throughout the past.


1)    Yesterday whole day we were cleaning our house.

2)    Last Sunday we were enjoying picnic.

3)    Last Saturday our college cricket team were playing cricket match at the M S university ground.

4)    Last month I was doing audit work of a Icici bank.

5)    Last year I was studying in T.Y.Bcom.

6)    Whole of last night we were travelling by luxury bus.


Sometimes past continuous tense comes in compound sentences with simple past tense or with another past continuous tense. In this situation past continuous tense not only shows continuity tense not only shows continuity of action in the past; but also tells us what was going on when the main action took place in the past.

            In other word we can say that P.C.T prepares background for the main action in the past.


1)    Yesterday when my friends came to my house, I was doing my home work.

2)    When my sister was cutting vegetables, her finger was injured.

3)    When the man was running to catch the bus, he met with an accident.

4)    When Mr Arpan sir came into the class room, we were giving final touch to our home work.


5)    What were you doing ,when I called you?


III) Past perfect tense.

Formula :

Sub + had + PP verb + obj

With past perfect tense is talk about the action which was completed in the past. This tense is used in the following three occasions.


A1 present                A2 Past                      A3 Future

According to the above figure, action A3 share it’s completed in the long past. We can see in the long past. We can see in the figure longest time gap between completion of action A3 and present time (PT). Due to such longest time gap and limit to our memory power, we completely forget the action A3 in present. Such action can be recalled if similar action takes place in present or if somebody forces us to recall such action.


1)    About 8 years ago I had also joined the exam class for English.

2)    had also made the same mistake in examination.

3)    had seen similar accident in the past.

4)    The lady had sung the same song in our college gathering.

5)    About 2 year ago I had won cricket match.

6)    Last month I had watched KGF movie.


            If any action shows its completion before its fixed time in the past, use past perfect tense.


1)    This morning I had got up before 5 o’clock.

2)    Yesterday I had my lunch in the office before the lunch time.

3)    had finished writing my exam paper before the warning bell.

4)    This morning our company staff bus had arrived before 6:30.

5)    Yesterday I had reached at my home before my father come in our home.


6)    Had you reached the before 4 p.m?



            When two actions take place in the past, the one which shows its completion first, take past perfect tense and the latter take simple past tense. Examples:

1)    The train had left before I reached the railway station.

2)    Before my boss asked me about the pending work I had already done it.

3)    After I had taken my seat in the theatre the film started.

4)    My brother phoned me after he had got U.S visa.

5)    This time sunil helped me because I had helped him in the past.


6)    Had your father come home before you reached?




IV) Past perfect continuous tense

Formula :

sub + had+ been+ verb + ing+ obj

Past perfect continuous tense is used in the following one occasion only.


Past perfect continuous tense denotes following two things simultaneously. It denotes continuity of action in the past, and it also indicates time of its completion in the past.


1)    Yesterday from 8 to 9:30 am I had been attending the class.

2)    From 1950 to 1970 my grandfather had been doing business.

3)    Last night I had been reading for the examination for four hours.

4)    Yesterday The boys had been playing cricket for two hours.

5)    Last night up to 10 o’clock we had been watching t.v serials.

6)    This morning up to 9 o’clock I had been waiting for you to go to the college.

7)    Till the teacher’s entry into the class room the boy’s had been talking loudly.


8)    How long had your brother been doing p.hd?

9)    How long had you been attending computer class?


10) Yesterday in the afternoon from 2 to4 pm I had not been doing anything.




a.    Simple Future tense (5 occasions)

b.    Future continuous tense ( 2 occasions)

c.    Future perfect tense (2  occasions)

d.    Future perfect continuous tense (1  occasion)

 (Total 10 occasions) Future tense

I) Simple Future tense.

Formula :

Sub + Shall/will + verb + obj

With simple future tense we talks about action in future this tense is used in the following five occasions.


According to the future tense we prediction / assumptions the action in future. Hear we assume that whatever we prediction will happen accordingly. This type is used on basic of two things 1) past experience and, 2) logic.  

            In this, we predict the future action according to our past experience & logic. It is possible; once in a while our predication may fail. That is the action may not take place but it does not matter.


1)    Will you make a noise?

2)    shall not make a noise

3)    We shall not make a noise.

4)    You all will not make a noise.

5)    He will make a noise

6)    She will make a noise.

7)    It will not make a noise.

8)    They will make a noise.

9)    will go to dubai.

10)  will go to play a cricket.

11)  will go to watch a movie.

12)  will cook a evening dinner.

13)  shall not to do homework.



According to the above formula “will” with first person singular (I) and plural (we) is used to show speaker’s willingness to perform the act and his honest intention to do whatever he say.

(Formula: I will + mv /

We will + mv)


1)    I will do this work.

2)    We will complete our project.

3)    I will help him

4)    We will participate in the drama/ program.

5)    I will continue my father business.


The following formula of simple future tense is used to show definiteness of action in future.

Formula: to be (am, is, are) + going to + mv


1)    am going to do advance English course. (IELTS)

2)    Meeta is going to marry amit.


3)    Meena is not going to participate in drama.

4)    Tomorrow my father is not going to mat our principal.


5)    Are you going to come to the class tomorrow?

6)    Are you going to take part in drama?


Following formula of present continuous tense along with the time adverb of simple future tense is used to denote near future.

Formula: To be (am, is, are) + MV + ing


1)    Today we are getting our result.

2)    Tonight I am leaving for delhi.

3)    Tomorrow our chairman is visiting our company.

4)    Next week my younger sister is coming from Canada.


Following formula of simple future tense is used to show compulsion of work by authority & threat.( order)


you (shall + mv)

you ( shall + mv)

he    (shall + mv)

they (shall + mv)

She  (shall + mv)

they (shall + mv)



1)    You shall report me tomorrow sharp at 6 o’clock in the morning at the parade ground.

2)    You shall do what I say.

3)    They shall be punished if they violate the rule of our class.

(i.e: soon, today, tonight, tomorrow, next week, fortnight, next month, next year, next Sunday……. Saturday, next jan….., dec) next time. Etc…)


ii)            Future continuous tense.


Sub + shall be/ will be + verb+ing + obj

ð  Condition:

o   Time table

o   Programmed activity

o   Very regular activity taking place at fixed hours every day.

ð  Future continuous tense shows continuity of action in future. This tense is used the following two occasions with a condition that action or activity we take about in future must have a time table or it must be a programmed activity or it must be a very regular activity taking place at fixed hours every day.


ð  Future continuous tense shows continuity of action at a certain point of time in future


1)    Today at 1 pm factory workers will be taking their lunch in the canteen.

2)    Tomorrow at 2 pm I will be doing chemistry practical in our collage.

3)    Today at 8 pm my mother will be watching a TV serial.

4)    Tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning we will be attending FAITH COMPUTER EDUCATION class.




5)    What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?



ð  This tense is used

ð  also to show continuity of action throughout the future.


1)    Tonight we will be travelling by train.

2)    Tomorrow we will be decorating our house for Christmas festival.

3)    Next Saturday our collage cricket team will be playing cricket match at the M S university ground.

4)    Next Sunday all the boys & girls will be enjoying picnic.

5)    Next two months S.S.C & H.S.C student will be studying seriously for their board examination.



iii)           Future perfect tense (2  occasions)


Sub + shall have/will have + pp verb+ obj

ð  Future perfect tense is used to show completion of action in future (completion of action by its fixed time), this tense is used in the following two occasions with a condition that the action we talk about must have a time table or it must be a very regular activity taking place at fixed hours every day.


ð  Future perfect tense show completion of action at a definite point of time in future.


1)    Vadodara express will have reached Mumbai by 5 o’clock in the morning.

2)    Tomorrow before 8 o’clock in the morning I will have come to the class.

3)    Tomorrow by this time H.S.C students will have finished writing their exam paper.

4)    Today by 10 o’clock Divya will have reached her office.

5)    They will have started their work by this time tomorrow.


ð   When two actions are going to take place in future, the one which shows its completion first takes future perfect tense and the letter take simple present tense.


1)    Oh my God, by the time my turn comes to buy the ticket the train will have arrived.

2)    We are so late for the movie that by the time we take in the theatre, the cinema will have started.

3)    I am afraid by the time I enter the exam hall the supervisor will have distributed answer sheets.

4)    Let me go home now because by the time I go home my father will have come from the office.




iv)          Future perfect continuous tense (1  occasion)


 Sub + Will have /shall have + been + verb + ing+obj

ð  Future perfect continuous tense is used in the following once occasion with a condition that the action or activity taking place in future must have a time table or it must be a programmed activity or it must be a very regular activity taking place at fixed hrs-everyday.


ð  Future perfect continuous tense shows following simultaneously.  It shows....

è Continuity of action in future

è It also shows its time of completion in future.

Note: it may or may not be indicate starting time of action.


1)    Tomorrow from 8 to 9:30 AM we will have been attending the class.

2)    If I buy cinema ticket, else tomorrow I will have been watching it from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

3)    Today up to 5 o’clock the cricket players will have been playing match.

4)    Up to 2 o’clock in the afternoon the candidates will have been writing exam paper.

5)    If I get admission in the IELTS advance English course, else I will have been doing it for 6 months.

6)    Amit will have been doing MBA from two years.






ð  all tenses formulas with examples

1)    Simple Present tense

Formula: - Sub + Verb + Obj


Ram Plays a football

drink a milk

We eat an apples

He works at night

learn a computer

go to Gym

2)    Present Continuous Tense

Formula: - Sub + to be(am,is,are) + Verb+ ing + Obj


Ram is Playing Football

am drinking milk

We are eating an apples

He is working at night

am learning a computer

am going to gym

3)    Present Perfect Tense

Formula: - Sub + Has/Have + PP Verb + Obj


Ram has Played a Football

have drunk a milk

We have eaten an apples

He has worked at night

have learnt a computer

have gone to Gym 

4)    Present Perfect continuous tense

Formula : Sub + has/have + been + verb+ing + Obj

Eg: Ram Has been playing Football since last 2 yrs.

have been drinking a milk since my childhood.

We have been eating an apples for the last 15 mins.

He has been working at night for the last 5-6 hrs.

have been learning a computer since last 3 months.

have been going to Gym since last 5 years. 




1)    Simple Past Tense

Formula : Sub + past form of verb + obj


Yesterday Ram Played a Football

Yesterday I drank a milk

Last Sunday We ate an apple

Last months He worked at night

Last month I learnt a computer

Yesterday I went to Gym.

2)    Past Continuous tense

Formula: Sub + to be (was/ were)+ verb+ing + obj


Yesterday Ram was playing a Football

Yesterday I was drinking a milk

Last Sunday We were eating an apples

Last months He was working at night

Last month I was learning a computer

Yesterday I was going to Gym

3)    Past perfect Tense

Formula : Sub + Had + PP verb + obj

Eg :

Yesterday Ram had played a football

Yesterday I had drunk a milk

Last Sunday We had eaten apples

Last month He had worked at night

Last month I had learnt computer

Yesterday I had gone to Gym

4)    Past perfect Continuous tense

Formula: sub + had+ been+ verb + ing+ obj


Yesterday Ram had been Playing a Football since last 2 hrs.

Yesterday I had been drinking a milk since last 15 mins.

Last Sunday We had been eating an apples for the last 10 to 15 mins.

Last Month He had been working at night since last 3 hrs.

had been learning a computer since last 4 months.

Yesterday I had been going to Gym for the last 30 mins.








1)    Simple future tense

Formula : Sub + Shall/will + verb + obj

Eg :

Tomorrow Ram will play football

Tomorrow  I will drink milk

Tomorrow We will eat apples

Tomorrow He will work at night

Tomorrow I will learn computer

Tomorrow I will go to Gym

2)    Future continuous tense

Formula: Sub + shall be/ will be + verb+ing + obj

Eg :

Ram will be playing Football

I shall be drinking milk

We shall be eating apples

He will be working at night

I shall be learning computer

I will be going to Gym

3)    Future perfect tense

Formula: Sub + shall have/will have + pp verb+ obj

Eg :

Ram will have played football

I shall have drunk milk

We shall have eaten apples

He will have worked at night

I shall be learnt computer

I will have gone to Gym

4)    Future perfect continuous tense

Formula : Sub + shall have /will have + been + verb + ing+obj

Eg :

Ram will have been playing football

I shall have been drinking milk.

We shall have been eating apples.

He will have been working at night.

I shall have been learning computer.

I will have been going to Gym. 

How to Introduce yourself ? / Please tell me about Yourself ?

 1) Greet


  • Good Morning..!
  • Good Afternoon..!
  • Good Evening..!


  • Hi, Hello, Hey, What's Up ? 

2) Name

  • This is ______________ (Formal)
  • I am ________________ (Formal)
  • My Name is __________ (Formal)
  • My Self _____________ (Informal)

3) Place

  • I belong to Vadodara itself.
  • I am From Vadodara itself.
4) Family
  • In my family, apart from my parents, I have an elder brother and a younger sister.
5) Qualifications
  • I am in class 12 
  • I am in 12th Standard
  • I am a graduate / postgraduate 
  • I am PHD in computer science/ English/ etc...
  • I am pursuing graduation
  • I am in 2nd year
6) Additional Qualifications/ Skills
  • I have done 6 Months Basic Computer Course from (Institute name) in (year)
  • I have done 6 Months course /diploma on (course name) from (Institute name) in (year)
7) Experience 
  • I am a fresher
  • I have 5 years experience in (work name)
  • I have 5 years experience working with/in (company's name) as a/an (Position)
8) Hobby
  • My hobby is/ I love listening to music
  • My hobby is/ I love reading books
  • My hobby is/ I love dancing 
  • My hobby is/ I love playing cricket
  • My hobby is/ I love cooking
  • My hobbies are / I love reading books & playing cricket
9) End

  • That's all about me, Thank you.!

Application Format (Leave Applications)

1) Sick Leave Application by Student

Respected Principal / Sir / Mam

Respectfully I am ____________ informing you through this application letter that I am suffering from sickness since last few days. That is why I couldn’t attend my classes on yesterday and the day before yesterday as well. I have severe attack of fever, flu, weakness, cough and vomiting. I request you to please consider my leaves from Thursday July 6 to onward. As early as I get recovered and after betterment in health I will come to report you and join my classes.

Thanking you,

Student name ___________

2) Sick Leave Application for One Day from School

Respected Sir/mam,

I am ___________, student of 10th class. I request you to allow me one day leave because I am feeling sick. I have flue, cough and throat infection and not in a position to attend the class. Again I am requesting you for one day leave for today, dated 29th April. I will be thankful to you.

Student Name _________


3) Applications Format


            The Director,

            XYZ computer Institute,



            Sub: Application for the post of Faculty

            Respected sir / Mam,

             It has been learnt from the reliable sources that you have vacancy of a faculty in your prestigious institute at ___________. I would like to apply for the same post.

             If given opportunity for this post, I will prove my worthiness at my Level best. My Resume is Attached hear with. Hope for favorable reply.


             Yours faithfully





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